Instructor Training Plan

Instructor Training Plan

Train the trainer plan

Technical use:

Before the start of the course, one of the technical support representatives enters the educational platform with the trainer to explain it to him and clarify how to deal with technical tools and use them to provide lessons as required according to the professional and technical specifications of the center.
The trainer is also introduced to the process of logging in to the site after providing him with the login data and then moving to the intermediate applications used in the educational environment and making sure that he is able to work with them with ease.
We make sure that the trainer has the necessary tools to deliver the course perfectly, such as the computer used, its speed and memory, the microphone and the headset.
Lesson slides are reviewed with the instructor and page navigation is explained. How to review the attendance sheet and direct questions to the trainees and give them opportunities to participate in the lesson and ask questions through the hand mark in the program. And how to open or lock the microphone to speak.
Below are instructions provided to the coach to be fully aware of the responsibility assigned to him:

Tips for coaches:

Brother coach:

The task you are doing is a big one that requires you to make huge efforts to achieve the objectives of the training package and to verify that the impact of the training is transmitted to the trainees in the fullest form. Therefore, we hope that you will take into account the following instructions that will help you, God Almighty, the Majestic, to achieve the objectives of the training program:

Reading the bag well and examining all its contents increases your training efficiency and management of training sessions and avoids a lot of embarrassment in the training room.
Always take the training bag with you whenever you are in the training room because you always need its contents prepared to help you.
Accurately observing the time in the program and making sure to invest the time in full according to the plan set for each session, a catalyst in achieving the program's objectives.
Giving the training activities the full right of time to achieve their goals.
Activating the role of the trainee in the program so that the trainer is a coordinator and manager of dialogue and discussion in the hall; It makes the training program more effective and interesting.
Forming groups randomly after each training session contributes to maintaining the trainees’ vitality and benefiting from a variety of experiences; Unless the activity requires the formation of homogeneous groups according to specialization, for example.
Taking care of the formative evaluation during the training process helps the trainee achieve the objectives of the training session.
Summarizing the work of the groups after presentation and discussion and putting it in the form of points on the blackboard, transparency or the paper board and directing it towards the goal of the very important training skills that effectively invest the results of the training.
Ensure that, at the end of each training session, a summary of the learning achieved contributes to confirming the learning.
The trainer should not exceed a step or stage in the bag unless he ensures the minimum level of mastery of all trainees.
It is possible to reduce the implementation time for a step or stage when the trainer makes sure that the trainees are able to do it out of respect for their capabilities and experience.

Electronic content development:

With the multiplicity of educational platforms working in this field, we had to always strive to upgrade the content provided in all courses to be in line with the requirements of the labor market in our time.

We update the course content from time to time and make sure to provide everything new regarding what is being offered to the trainees. Also, make sure of the axes, objectives and means of the presented curriculum. In coordination with the center's academic team and the trainer who will present the course.
We also verify all internationally recognized professional courses and ensure that the offered curriculum is required by all existing international and local standards.
Ensuring that content is designed by choosing specific scenarios to convey information accurately to the trainees, identifying the promoted behavioral goals, selecting appropriate learning resources, and defining appropriate techniques and means that will meet the need to present this content.
The practical implementation of the scenario that was developed and the use of design software to write content and to produce learning resources and media according to the center's vision.

Teaching skills:

It excludes the improvisational and random features that surround the trainer's tasks and transforms the trainer's work into a system of interconnected organized steps, designed to achieve educational goals.
The trainer avoids many embarrassing emergency situations, which are due to entering the daily lesson without developing a clear development.
This leads to the growth of the trainer's practical and professional experiences on a regular and stable basis, due to his passing through various experiences while planning lessons.
It leads to a clear vision for the trainer, as it helps to accurately define the trainees' previous experiences and current education goals.
The trainer helps to discover the defects of the curriculum; Whether with regard to objectives, content, training methods, or evaluation methods, which enables him to work on avoiding them, and helps him improve the curriculum himself or by submitting proposals for that to the concerned authorities.
Planning provides the trainer with the opportunity to learn more about the material, fix it, and investigate what is right in it by referring to the various sources.
It helps the trainer to master the material, and to determine the amount of material that fits the allotted time.
It helps the trainer to organize his ideas, arrange his material and master it in an appropriate manner.
The trainer's planning reveals what he needs from educational means that arouse the desire of the trainees, clarify the content of the lesson and encourage positive participation in it.
Planning is a record of teaching activities, whether on the part of the trainer or the trainees, and this record is useful to the trainer as he can refer to it if he forgets something during the course of the course, and it can also remind him later of the points covered or studied in the subject.
Planning makes it easier for the trainer to review and amend if necessary.

Interaction in e-learning:

Interaction in e-learning is divided into two types: simultaneous interaction and interaction for asynchronous, and this can be explained as follows:

Synchronous Interaction:

It means the live interaction that takes place at the same time, and communication takes place between the trainee or the trainer and he reads it at the same moment, which is called live e-learning or synchronous learning. Alto, through a number of tools or applications that are used in computer networks to complete this interaction, such as chat rooms, the Shared White Board, video conferences, or audio conferences.

Asynchronous Interaction:

This is where the communication between the trainer, the trainee and peers takes place asynchronously, that is, it does not take place at the same moment, meaning that there is a time interval between the message sent by the trainer to the trainee and receiving a response to it, as if the trainer sends a message to one of the trainees asking him to answer a specific question. The student responds to them at a later time, and among the tools and applications that are used to complete the asynchronous interaction are e-mail, mailing lists, the News Group, electronic discussion boards and the use of audio-visual aids such as video and audio.